Pretty Milky

Monday, November 28, 2005

Caps, sluts and ugly armpits.

It really bugs me how some people loooove typing in caps. Then they'll go "OH IT'S SO FUN TO TYPE IN CAPS IM SO ADDICTED TO CAPS RIGHT NOW" in their blogs and testimonials. It's really, really annoying. Whenever I see everything in caps, I'll imagine the person shouting or raising their voice. It's really not cool or whatsoever to type in all caps. Quite the opposite, actually.

Why do people love taking pictures of themselves ALONE in dressing rooms? It's quite retarded isn't it, you in the dressing room, taking a picture and posing like a slut. Don't you feel stupid? You never know when someone is watching... Taking pictures in your own mirror at home is stupid as well. Act sexy photos are HORRIBLE. Especially if you cannot make it.

Just look at those poses. Just by looking at their mouths you know they're ugly. I hate ugly people and I wish they'd just drown themselves. It's really horrible seeing ugly people everywhere I go. Girl-in-black, those are really ugly armpits by the way.

A combination of the two. An act sexy photo taken in her own home in front of the mirror when she's alone. Tut tut, kids these days.

- Milky :)


At 10:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

one things for sure, they sure as hell have more of a life than you do.

At 11:28 PM , Blogger Pretty Milky said...


At 3:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you do you look ? i mean, do you ever take photos of yourself ? hiyah. forget it lah. ugly peple should fuck off, and yuan's not ugly. do we have any disagreeements ?

At 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wouldnt agree to the fact that polka dot girl is ugly. she looks fine doesnt she.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger Pretty Milky said...

yuani: Hi. Thanks for not being rude :) My apologies, it seemed like you were alone. Hm you've got confidence :)

per and just happen to pass by: True true, ugly people should fuck off. Just that I didn't say she's ugly.

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Pretty Milky said...

yuani: Perhaps, in future :) Haha glad to know there are others out there with the same opinions as us. And yeah, we are girls :)

At 1:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey,i dun think they're ugly can. and you are so ACT. wht the heck. you shouldn't even be insulting people in the very first place, wht have you insulted, bungs, girls and whts next? boys? thats so satanic. so you think you very pretty lah. go and stare at the mirror and look at yourself, you're such a coward, you dun even dare to put your own picture.

At 1:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh,by the way, you know something, you're actually like hurting people for insulting them. imagine if people insults you lah. i don't think you will feel good also right? think about others first before you think about yourself.

At 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

they were just commenting, not insulting, i guess.

At 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

itsokay(: we all know that people who put down others, have horrible insecurities deep inside. you might not post your problems here, but who knows?


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